neděle 11. května 2014

Outreach, outreach!

... or was it "Berlin, Berlin!"? I have it aaal confused :D Anyway, that is where we started.

Even though it was only for few days, Berlin was very nice. We prayed by the Berlin wall and we were meeting people... I am already looking forward to go there again in the end of outreach.

From Berlin we went to Thessaloniki, as apostol Paul one did. We even saw one of the synagoges where he was teaching.
We were staying in a church which welcomed us with open arms. I had no idea what kind of ministry am I supposed to do but when I prayed God told me that it is not about big things but about seeking his will for that place. So every day I woke up with a simple prayer: "God, what should I do today?" and he always had simple task for that day. One day it was to paint a picture and give it to someone, other day to go uo the hill and pray over the city. That may not sound like much, but every evening I heard "well done, my daughter." The best feeling in the world!

We also spend some time helping people from the Church with their ministry at Roma camp. Oh, I love Roma kids! So much love! So much joy! Obviously we were not able to change their lives very much, but my prayer is that they would remmember our love and ask how is it possible that those people came to play with us? It must have been the God they talked about! Or even to think "I must be worth something when those pople loved to play with me."

And now ne are in beautiful island Thassos! It is truly paradise on Earth.

If you want to be part of what God is doing here, you can pray for us! Please pray for open doors for ministry and for me, to be a testimony here. It is also possible to support our team or me personally financially, if that is on your heart, please e-mail me for details.

With love

Your Bára