úterý 23. června 2015

You know you are a teacher when..

I usually feel like a normal sane person, but then, I notice those those big warning signs that tell me... I must be a teacher!

Mostly I hang out with my colleagues  who are great single ladies and few married guys.

My girl friends know names of all the students that drive me up the wall (and occasionally the students who make my day) but they have no idea what's the name of the guy I have a crush on.

# 3 
Most selfies on my phone are taken by my students as a joke.

# 4 
When I go out I grade papers over a glass of gin and tonic.

# 5
I ride the metro laughing out loud reading essays.

# 6
My home office time is me reading a buch of kid's books, occassionally watching a cartoon.

pondělí 22. června 2015

The crazy lady is back

Hey!! How are you all? I haven't been around for a while...

It's been over a year now since I've came back home from the great wide world where I went to see God at work and what can I say - things do change!

From traveling the world, helping the poor, hanging out with artsy weirdo missionaries all day long I came back to be a teacher (because for some reason or other I felt that that is what God wants me to do.

Wait...What??? A teacher? A language teacher?? How utterly boring!

Well, yes.

The adventures has changed. They are a bit mundane, bit earthly if you wish. My day-to-day life consists of lesson planning, grammar explaining, children hugging, in-the-staffroom-with-other-teachers talking... Yes, it sometimes feels unexciting, but mostly, it's really great!

How is it, that such commonplace job as teaching can be great? Because every day I follow the same God I followed accross the ocean and he makes my mundane as rad as I can wish for. And sometimes even more.

I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as during the one year of teaching, I don't think I've ever felt more loved. I don't think I've ever laughed at myself more either though. I got more chances to share my faith with students than I thought was possible, I tested my limits, I made amazing friends. I've got to witness stories of others, I've seen them grow and I've seen them learn.

Aaaaaand why do I feel the urge to share this with the world via blog?
                                                 well, I did survive one year of teaching!!!
And I think that maybe I can do a better job of blogging now than a year ago strengthen by the experience. And because now all those people that I fail to keep in touch can see that I am still alive. Also because I do want to keep a record of my greatly mundane adventures and I suck in journaling.
It is that easy.
                                                                         So good night for now
                                                                                         See you soon!