It seems that every time I make a long time plan, a little earthquake appears, turns my life upside down and makes me reevaluate my plan and make a change.
Like when I finally decided to transfer to a primary school in a different town and ended up at grammar school.
Like when I decided to study Architecture and ended up studying Faculty of Education with majors in Languages and Literature.
Like when I was offered a well-paid job but still I am going to a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth with a Mission (YWAM).
These little earthquakes that have changed the direction of my life so many times was God's voice that I heard at that moment and did not dare not to dare to follow it. Many years ago, God and I made an agreement: I would allways follow him and he would make my life adventurous. I have to say he kept his word!
I've noticed one thing, every time I decide to obey what I believe is God's voice and make a radical change, the first thing I hear from people around me is: "You are crazy!"
When I decided to go to the Grammar school this kind of reaction came from my Math teacher: In a year you will fail your Math class there! So I attended optional Math and Physics seminars and even succesfully passed Math final exam .
When I went to Faculty of Education, there were more people trying to persuade me against it: Your voice is too weak! You will never be respected! The kids would kill you! There are many sinful books on your to-read list and you would never make it as a Christian if you would actually read these! I think our teacher of Rhetorics said it all when she exclaimed: You have a gift of teaching and it would be such a shame if you do anything else but teach. I learned to love kids, to speak louder and pronounce clearer and have a great time as a teacher of both kids and adults.(And yes, I still want to have a close relationship with my Saviour so I believe not even the last prediction came true :) )
After all that I guess I should have been prepared but the flood of negative responses to my plan to go study a half year DTS surprised me and almost discouraged me. But every time I felt like giving up thinking that it was not God's voice after all and I must have got it wrong, something happened - a Bible verse, encouragement from my friends or offer of financial support - again and again was I assured that I am in God's will until I felt peace in my heart.
I strongly believe that as history repeated with negative responses, it will also repeat in prooving that God can Bless such a crazy decision and lead me through every new adventure he prepared for me.
So hold tight, we are going to Florida!!!
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